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Speaker offers tips on website visibility

February 21, 2018 1:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Fom the Independent Enterprise: 

If your website can’t be found, does it really exist? It’s certainly not helping you get more customers.

There are ways that you can easily get people to find your website, according to Kim Sherman-Labrum, an associate business consultant with the Idaho Small Business Development Center. Sherman-Labrum, who is also a Certified Google Partner, introduced attendees of a recent Fruitland Chamber of Commerce luncheon to easy tips and tricks to help their businesses get found on the internet.

Click on the following for full article:


Fruitland Chamber of Commerce, Inc., PO Box 408, Fruitland, ID 83619   /   (208) 230-7161  /  info@fruitlandchamberidaho.org

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